Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Updated 5/27/2024


At Kawaii Stop, we value your privacy and are committed to providing you with transparent information about how we use cookies on our websites and products. Cookies are small data files that a website you visit may save on your computer or handheld device. These files usually include an anonymous unique identifier and serve various purposes. Here's how we use cookies:

1. User Authentication: We use cookies to enhance user authentication, ensuring a secure and personalized experience when you visit our websites and use our products.

2. Preferences: Cookies help us remember your preferences, making it easier for you to navigate our websites and access your customized settings.

3. Promotional Campaigns: We may use cookies to track the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns, allowing us to tailor offers and content to your interests.

4. Audience Size and Traffic Patterns: Cookies assist us in analyzing our audience size and understanding traffic patterns on our websites. This information helps us improve our services.

5. Email Messages and Newsletters: In certain cases, we may include small graphic images in our email messages and newsletters. These images help us determine whether the messages were opened and if the included links were viewed.

Third-Party Cookies: Please be aware that third-party advertisers may also create and access cookies when you interact with our websites and products. These cookies are subject to the privacy policies of the respective third parties. We assume no responsibility or liability for the use of such third-party cookies.

Managing Cookies: If you prefer not to have cookies placed on your PC or handheld device, you have the option to disable them in your web browser. Typically, you can find this option in your browser's "security settings" section. However, please note that permanently disabling cookies in your browser may impact your ability to fully enjoy our websites and other interactive services.

We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and providing you with a secure and enjoyable browsing experience. If you have any questions or concerns about our Cookie Policy or privacy practices, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

We are always upfront on the information that is collected and how it is used. Please see a list of cookies here for your review.


Kawaii Stop Team